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10 Foods that are Great for Your Teeth

Ever heard of the saying, “You are what you eat”? Well there is a lot of truth to that, especially when it comes to your oral health. Below you’ll find a list of foods that have proven to be great for your teeth and oral health.

1) Cheese

Many people already have a love for cheese, but are often told not to consume too much of it. Well luckily for the cheese lovers out there  A study published in the May/June 2013 issue of General Dentistry,  found that eating cheese raised the pH in the subject’s mouths and lowered their risk of tooth decay. The chewing required to eat cheese can also increase saliva in the mouth and contains calcium and protein.

2) Spinach

Spinach is already know to have a lot of healthy vitamins and nutrients for our body. It is a good source of iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and folic acid. These vitamins and minerals improve your dental health tremendously.

3) Cranberries

Cranberries contain polyphenols, which can help to keep plaque from sticking to teeth, and lower the risk of cavities, according to a study published in the journal Caries Research. when looking to consume cranberries, make sure that there are no added sugars to avoid offsetting the benefits.

4) Parsley

Many herbs are full of medicinal properties. Parsley has many anti-bacterial agents and studies have shown that it is also rich in antioxidants. Next time you’re cooking a meal, be sure to sprinkle some parsley on top for extra health benefits and flavor!

5) Salmon

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for good oral health, as it effectively allows your body to better absorb calcium and put it to good use throughout your body. Salmon is packed full of both Vitamin D and calcium, making it an all-round super-food for helping to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

6) Apples

The saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” reigns true as apples are high in fiber and water. The action of eating an apple produces saliva in your mouth, which rinses away bacteria and food particles. The fibrous texture of the fruit also stimulates the gums.

7) Celery

Celery might get a bad reputation for being bland, watery and full of those pesky strings, but similar to apples, it acts a bit like a toothbrush, scraping food particles and bacteria away from your teeth. It’s also a good source of vitamins A and C, two antioxidants that give the health of your gums a boost. Make celery even tastier by topping it with cream cheese.

8) Garlic

Garlic has been known to be good for the body and teeth. While it adds a delicious flavor to food, it is also very good for your oral health. Garlic is loaded with antibacterial properties.

Garlic contains a component called allicin. This is the chemical that gives you the dreaded ‘garlic breath’ however, it also makes garlic anti fungal, antiviral and antibacterial. Allicin has also been shown to help fight oral flora imbalance. It does this by controlling the bad bacteria that cause dental disease like cavities and gum disease.

9) Yogurt

Like cheese, yogurt is high in calcium and protein, which makes it a good pick for the strength and health of your teeth. The probiotics, or beneficial bacteria, found in yogurt also benefit your gums because the good bacteria crowd out bacteria that cause cavities. If you decide to add more yogurt to your diet, choose a plain variety with no added sugar.

10) Strawberries

Strawberries contain malic acid, which is actually a good natural whitener for enamel. White strawberry juice tends to stain most things eating strawberries will actually help keep your teeth free of stains. But be mindful that strawberry seeds can get stuck between your teeth, so be sure to floss after eating them.

Your Dental Health

When it comes to your health, both that of your mouth and your overall well-being, trust in the dentists at Gentle Dental Family Care. The best way to maintain your oral health is by visiting your dentist every 6 months. Gentle Dental Family Care is the best dental practice in the Kew Gardens, Queens, NY 11415 area and we are open on Sundays as well as late evenings. For a teeth cleaning and exam, we recommend coming into the office to book an appointment with one of our talented dental professionals. All new patients may also take advantage of our $99 Cleaning Special that includes an exam and x-rays. To set up your appointment give us a call at (718) 849-9797. We also welcome walk-ins, to accommodate patients with a busy schedule. We hope to see you soon!

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